This episode explores the intersection of seizure disorders, particularly temporal lobe epilepsy, with mental health. We talk about the prevalence of misdiagnosis, and about common symptoms and treatments in temporal lobe epilepsy and bipolar.
Note: While some underlying factors may be identical, these are distinct illnesses, and should be treated as such.
Mula M, The clinical spectrum of bipolar symptoms in epilepsy: a critical reappraisal, Postgrad Med. 2010 Jul;122(4):17-23.
Reynolds EH , Trimble MR, Epilepsy, psychiatry, and neurology, Epilepsia. 2009 Mar;50 Suppl 3:50-5.
Mazza M , Di Nicola M, et al, Bipolar disorder and epilepsy: a bidirectional relation? Neurobiological underpinnings, current hypotheses, and future research directions, Neuroscientist. 2007 Aug;13(4):392-404.
LaPlante E, Seized: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Medicine, History, and Art.
For more on nutrient approaches shared by temporal lobe epilepsy with bipolar and schizophrenia, see my books, Natural Healing for Schizophrenia , and Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder at
#neurological #neuropsychiatric #epilepsy #seizures #bipolar #bipolardisorder #schizophrenia #mentalhealth #TLE #temporallobe #GABA #taurine #zinc #magnesium #manganese #B6 #pyroluria #excitotoxicity #sugar #junkfood #brainhealthandhealing #naturalhealingforbipolardisorder #naturalhealingforschizophrenia
This episode explores the intersection of seizure disorders, particularly temporal lobe epilepsy, with mental health. We talk about the prevalence of misdiagnosis, and about common symptoms and treatments in temporal lobe epilepsy and bipolar.
Note: While some underlying factors may be identical, these are distinct illnesses, and should be treated as such.
Mula M, The clinical spectrum of bipolar symptoms in epilepsy: a critical reappraisal, Postgrad Med. 2010 Jul;122(4):17-23.
Reynolds EH , Trimble MR, Epilepsy, psychiatry, and neurology, Epilepsia. 2009 Mar;50 Suppl 3:50-5.
Mazza M , Di Nicola M, et al, Bipolar disorder and epilepsy: a bidirectional relation? Neurobiological underpinnings, current hypotheses, and future research directions, Neuroscientist. 2007 Aug;13(4):392-404.
LaPlante E, Seized: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Medicine, History, and Art.
For more on nutrient approaches shared by temporal lobe epilepsy with bipolar and schizophrenia, see my books, Natural Healing for Schizophrenia , and Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder at
#neurological #neuropsychiatric #epilepsy #seizures #bipolar #bipolardisorder #schizophrenia #mentalhealth #TLE #temporallobe #GABA #taurine #zinc #magnesium #manganese #B6 #pyroluria #excitotoxicity #sugar #junkfood #brainhealthandhealing #naturalhealingforbipolardisorder #naturalhealingforschizophrenia