Brain Health and Healing

Nerve Cell Communication Basics

December 03, 2021 Eva Edelman Season 1 Episode 5
Nerve Cell Communication Basics
Brain Health and Healing
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Brain Health and Healing
Nerve Cell Communication Basics
Dec 03, 2021 Season 1 Episode 5
Eva Edelman

A short segment on neural communication. A nerve cell is like a tree with a filament-like trunk, and branches on either end. Messages go to receptors on dendrites (the initial branches). Second messengers transfer information through to the nerve cell body, which computes whether to send it on through the neural axon. Sequential interchange of sodium and potassium ions creates an electrical potential down the axon to the terminal branches. Here calcium smashes vesicles filled with neurotransmitter against the terminal branch membrane, spilling neurotransmitter into the synapse. Neurotransmitter stimulates receptors on one or many other nerve cells. Reuptake transporters take neurotransmitter back up into the sending neuron and so mediate the time in which the neurotransmitter is available to send messages.
Videos on neurotransmission:
#brainhealthandhealing, #neurotransmission, #neurotransmitter #reuptaketransporter, #axon, #synapse, #action potential, #neuralreceptor, #dendrites #neuralcommunication

Show Notes

A short segment on neural communication. A nerve cell is like a tree with a filament-like trunk, and branches on either end. Messages go to receptors on dendrites (the initial branches). Second messengers transfer information through to the nerve cell body, which computes whether to send it on through the neural axon. Sequential interchange of sodium and potassium ions creates an electrical potential down the axon to the terminal branches. Here calcium smashes vesicles filled with neurotransmitter against the terminal branch membrane, spilling neurotransmitter into the synapse. Neurotransmitter stimulates receptors on one or many other nerve cells. Reuptake transporters take neurotransmitter back up into the sending neuron and so mediate the time in which the neurotransmitter is available to send messages.
Videos on neurotransmission:
#brainhealthandhealing, #neurotransmission, #neurotransmitter #reuptaketransporter, #axon, #synapse, #action potential, #neuralreceptor, #dendrites #neuralcommunication